Behavioral Health Response


The Behavioral Health Response is a locally based 24-hour helpline. If you are feeling depressed, are experiencing an emotional crisis, difficult mood or need someone to talk to, a counselor will be available at any time of the day or night to talk, provide intervention, and if necessary, help with establishing a care plan. If you are in an immediate emergency, please call 911.

Behavioral Health Response Website

Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers works through the Missouri and Illinois school districts. At no cost to you, a trained specialist will visit you and your child at your home once a month. You and your educator will interact with your baby together. The educator can offer tips and interactive games you can play with your baby to make the most of your little one’s development. While the service can be stopped at any time, you and your child may stay in the program until they are 5 years old.

Parents As Teachers Website

Safe Connections


Safe Connections provides free, professional counseling as well as support groups for those who are currently experiencing, or in the past have experienced, domestic violence or an abusive relationship. Abuse can be physical, verbal or emotional. For quick help and support during a crisis, or for more information, call the 24-hour hotline and a trained professional will always be available. If you believe you are in immediate danger, call 911.

Safe Connections Website

Generate Health Home Visiting Collaborative

Provides free home visiting as a free service for parents who are pregnant, have a young baby, or child not older than 5 years old. Home visiting agencies that are part of this referral system serve families in St. Louis County and City. Fill out an application here: Generate Health Home Visiting Collaborative – Centralized Referral & Intake (



The AWARE program at Barnes-Jewish Hospital seeks to reach out to those experiencing partner abuse or partner violence. You will have one on one contact with an AWARE counselor who will support you and work alongside you to create a plan to change the situation.


Jamaa Birth Village


Jamaa Birth Village provides culturally-congruent traditional Midwifery care for Saint Louis area families. Our two-year family care model brings together evidence-based Midwifery + Doula Care, Perinatal Mental Health Support, Breastfeeding Education, Holistic Therapies, Childbirth Education, Family Support Services and so much more!

Jamaa Birth Village Website

Nurses for Newborns


At no cost to you, Nurses for Newborns will send a registered nurse to visit you at home to check on the health of both you and your baby. The nurses are a wonderful source of information for new and experienced moms about infant care, feeding and signs to look for that mean you may need to call the doctor. If you have ongoing concerns about your baby’s health, or you need ongoing support, your nurse will continue to visit as needed. If you are struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety, please tell your nurse so she can provide additional recommendations. We suggest you call before you leave the hospital or shortly after you return home to set up the first appointment.

Nurses for Newborns Website

Raising STL

Raising St. Louis is actively serving the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families can enroll by calling 314.747.RSTL (7785) or 314.362.9586 or by completing our online enrollment form.

Raising St. Louis connects with mothers, fathers and other family members to help build and sustain the family unit, reduces the high infant mortality rate, promotes literacy and increases access to health care. Any woman or family who lives within an identified 22 zip code area and is pregnant, or has a child up to age 4, is eligible to participate, at zero cost to the participant.

Raising St. Louis Services Include:

  • Brings you services from Nurses for Newborns and Parents as Teachers – through visits to your home or other convenient location
  • Connects you to resources you need
  • Invites you to meet other parents and share experiences
  • Provides you at times with diapers and other childcare items
  • Gives you important information about health, safety and child development
  • Performs exams to make sure your child is healthy and safe
  • Shares with you effective parenting skills and tips
  • Helps you understand your child and his or her unique development
  • Helps you find the resources your family needs when they need them

The program also offers monthly parent support group meetings, Family Connections, where participants connect with other parents and receive help with navigating additional health and social services.

As an incentive to maintain regular home visits, families receive Kids Kash which can be used during the monthly group meetings to purchase such items as diapers, car seats, baby supplies, books, toys and other items to make caring for their baby a little easier.

Raising St. Louis Website

Crisis Nursery

St. Louis City: 314-768-3201 or 314-338-2200

St. Louis County: 314-953-8030

St. Charles: 636-947-0600

Wentzville: 636-887-3070

If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, are concerned about your and your child’s safety or find yourself struggling with difficult emotions to the point that you feel you temporarily cannot care for your child, call Crisis Nursery 24 hours a day. A trained professional will provide help, resources and emotional support. If necessary, Crisis Nursery will provide safe, emergency care for children ages birth through 12 years old.

Crisis Nursery Website

Missouri Kids First

573- 632-4600

Missouri KidsFirst empowers adults to protect children from abuse and neglect through community education, professional training, and child advocacy.

Missouri Kids First Website



FamilyForward is transforming the way we understand the effects of childhood trauma. We use a trauma-informed, developmentally sensitive approach to understanding the impact of a child’s history on current functioning. Our comprehensive services support the child, family, and broader community.

Family Forward Website

Our Little Haven


Our Little Haven is relentlessly committed to providing early intervention services for children and families. Our community of professional caregivers create a safe, secure, and healing environment for those impacted by abuse, neglect, and mental or behavioral health needs. We make the hurting stop, the healing begin, and the love last one family at a time.

Our Little Haven Website

Urban League


The Urban League provides comprehensive services to low-income children and their families. The main goal of Head Start is to prepare children for a successful elementary school experience.

The League offers three scholarships: the Leslie, Beatrice T. Hurt and UMB William Robinson Memorial Scholarship.

Celebrates and promotes awareness of African American history and culture through art exhibits, storytelling and special programs at the Urban League.

The Transition for Change Employment program is designed to help clients who are dealing with child support issues and are underemployed or unemployed find gainful employment and careers. Their skill sets range from high school diploma to master’s degree, in different fields.

The Urban League works to stabilize families so that empowered clients may focus on empowering their lives and changing their communities.  The basic needs of food, clothing and shelter must first be met and available for clients and their families so they can then strive for economic self-sufficiency.

Urban League STL Website